Prayer Request

The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. James 5:16
Prayer requires faith. It is not a mystical formula for getting what we want. We must trust that YHWH exists and can hear us. “Whoever comes to YHWH must have faith that YHWH exists”Hebrews 11: 6
When praying, we must seek the will of YHWH. “Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us 1 John 5: 14
Yahusha said,"If you Abide in me, and my words Abide in you, you will ask whatever you desire, and it will be done for you." John 15:7
Yahusha uses the illustration of the grape vine to make clear to His disciples what He means, and in this illustration the word abide is used eleven times. Since this word was used so frequently, it would be wise to ensure we fully understand its meaning - especially in this context.
In general, the word abide means to continue on in a permanent state. The Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible gives us a fuller understanding of the Greek word that is translated as "abide"... 120 occurrences; translates as "abide" 61 times, "remain" 16 times, "dwell" 15 times, "continue" 11 times, "tarry" nine times, "endure" three times, and is miscellaneously translated five times.
Dictionary Definition: to remain, abide. to sojourn, tarry. not to depart. to continue to be present. to be held, kept, continually. to continue to be, not to perish, to last, endure. of persons, to survive, live. to remain as one, not to become another or different. to wait for, await one. wait patiently for, to withstand, to dwell, to remain in place, and to conform to.
These are all good definitions, but in the original usage (Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic), the meaning of the word went much deeper.
There are five different words in the original Greek and Hebrew for the one word (abide) that we have in our language. The first of these words, epimeno, is the strengthened form of another verb, meno, which means "intensive." The word epimeno sometimes indicates perseverance in continuing to do something. The second word, katameno, is a verb that means "constant residence" or "frequent resort." Another word, parameno, means "to continue" and is sometimes used to express confidence in abiding with a person. One really neat word is hupomeno which means "to remain in a place instead of leaving it; to stay behind or persevere." Finally, the word prosmeno is used in several different situations to indicate a persistent loyalty or a continuance in doing something.
The New Testament - makes clear
that a life in Yahusha is a life of commitment to YHWH via our faith in
Yahusha. So to abide in YAH is to live in YAH. When we
"abide" in Yahusha, our very life bears witness to the fact that YHWH's Spirit lives in us. Then we can ask anything we desire and it will be done for us, because we will be living according to the will of YHWH.
Prayer requires faith. It is not a mystical formula for getting what we want. We must trust that YHWH exists and can hear us. “Whoever comes to YHWH must have faith that YHWH exists”Hebrews 11: 6
When praying, we must seek the will of YHWH. “Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us 1 John 5: 14
Yahusha said,"If you Abide in me, and my words Abide in you, you will ask whatever you desire, and it will be done for you." John 15:7
Yahusha uses the illustration of the grape vine to make clear to His disciples what He means, and in this illustration the word abide is used eleven times. Since this word was used so frequently, it would be wise to ensure we fully understand its meaning - especially in this context.
In general, the word abide means to continue on in a permanent state. The Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible gives us a fuller understanding of the Greek word that is translated as "abide"... 120 occurrences; translates as "abide" 61 times, "remain" 16 times, "dwell" 15 times, "continue" 11 times, "tarry" nine times, "endure" three times, and is miscellaneously translated five times.
Dictionary Definition: to remain, abide. to sojourn, tarry. not to depart. to continue to be present. to be held, kept, continually. to continue to be, not to perish, to last, endure. of persons, to survive, live. to remain as one, not to become another or different. to wait for, await one. wait patiently for, to withstand, to dwell, to remain in place, and to conform to.
These are all good definitions, but in the original usage (Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic), the meaning of the word went much deeper.
There are five different words in the original Greek and Hebrew for the one word (abide) that we have in our language. The first of these words, epimeno, is the strengthened form of another verb, meno, which means "intensive." The word epimeno sometimes indicates perseverance in continuing to do something. The second word, katameno, is a verb that means "constant residence" or "frequent resort." Another word, parameno, means "to continue" and is sometimes used to express confidence in abiding with a person. One really neat word is hupomeno which means "to remain in a place instead of leaving it; to stay behind or persevere." Finally, the word prosmeno is used in several different situations to indicate a persistent loyalty or a continuance in doing something.